Stroke Hub Wales Donations and Bequests

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Stroke strikes at any age! We need funds to support vital Stroke Research, Innovation and Education in Wales. We depend on your support. To get a better sense of why Stroke Hub Wales (SHW) needs your help please watch the video below.


Video Credit – Carys Matthews and Kieran Traas, Cardiff Metropolitan University

You can support vital research, innovation and education which will help to prevent stroke, save lives, improve the lives of stroke survivors and give hope for a better future.


Please click here to donate


100% of your donation goes towards supporting Stroke Hub Wales-based Research, Innovation and Education in Wales. To see why our work is important, please see below.

AvatarProfessor Phil James, Academic lead for SHW
‘Stroke research is important in the prevention of strokes, reducing the debilitating effects of stroke and saving lives. Based on the support provided by Stroke Hub Wales, we now have a range of first-class projects linking researchers and clinicians across our Universities and Health Boards. An example of this is here at Cardiff Metropolitan University, where we are working with Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board on the PREDICT-EV study which aims to verify a new diagnostic marker to predict the future risk of stroke in transient ischaemic attack (TIA) or ‘mini-stroke’ patients. With your help we are able to continue vital research’.

AvatarAvatar Nick & Jo Cann, SHW PPI Committee members

‘We definitely value listening to the range of stroke-related projects being showcased at the Stroke Hub Wales Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) meetings and contributing to the discussions. It is so important to consider patient, carer and public opinion when writing a grant application. SHW offers researchers around Wales the opportunity to present their ideas to the panel and to include PPI comments in grant applications, and with the co-production of projects. Many of the projects presented have gone on to successful grant applications. Your support, by donating, can help future research in Wales, so please get involved…’


Avatar Dr Anne Freeman OBE, Chair of SHW, Retired Stroke Consultant

‘If you have a stroke, you’d want to have the best possible care from the multidisciplinary stroke team. It’s an accepted fact that a well-trained stroke workforce who are up to date with all the latest developments in the speciality produce the best clinical outcomes for patients. Running high quality educational opportunities such as the annual Welsh Stroke Conference, leadership programs and our new MRes in Stroke costs money. We would greatly value your help’.

You may also like to:

  • Think of fundraising for us

  • Making a pledge in your Will

For more information, please contact SHW via email