Survey to explore coordinator roles in stroke care

Regardless of your job title, are you a nurse or allied health professional in a formal or informally recognised clinical leadership position for stroke working in acute, rehabilitation or community-based care?
Are you involved with overseeing the clinical organisation for stroke services, providing support for ensuring the quality of stroke care delivered, or facilitating the patient pathway?
Then you have a coordinator role and WE NEED YOU FOR A SURVEY!!
We know that coordinator roles make a difference in the clinical setting. The evidence is that these roles can positively impact quality and outcomes of care for people with stroke.
What remains unclear is the scope of practice and barriers to these non-medical coordinator roles. This survey, being conducted by Monash University (Australia) through the University of Central Lancashire (UK), will assist in defining the scope of practice of staff in coordinator roles in stroke, and allow comparisons across the UK and internationally. More than ever, completing this survey now is relevant. The quality of stroke care may be eroded because of COVID-19 and the reorganisation of hospital services and staffing to mitigate transmission and manage cases. In these challenging times, we feel it is important to highlight the importance of these roles in stroke care and to clearly describe the responsibilities and contributions of staff in these positions to the delivery of best practice stroke care before COVID-19 impacted on health services. These data may then be used to advocate for these essential roles in stroke care.
What do you need to do?
The participant information sheet, which contains detailed information about the study and clearly explains all processes involved, and the survey can be completed online via the following link:
UK Coordinator Survey (URL
Alternatively, attached are hard copy versions, that once completed, can be scanned and emailed to, using encryption at the discretion of your institution. We would be grateful if you could please find time to complete it by 29th Nov 2020.
Please only complete the survey once. Completion of the survey will be considered implied consent. The survey will take approximately 20-25 minutes. Participants who complete the survey will be offered the chance to enter into a prize draw to win one of three £50 Amazon vouchers.
If you do not believe you personally fit this role, please pass the survey onto the relevant staff member/s to complete. If your service has more than one person in this role, please encourage all relevant staff to complete the survey. Alternatively, if your service does not have a coordinator role, we would be grateful if you would still complete Part 1 of the survey, which provides organisational context.
Thank you for considering participating in this study. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the UK study coordinator Colette Miller on or on 01772 893693.
UK Coordinator Survey Docuemnt